Unrooted phylogenetic tree of the C-type lectin family.[modified from (
Scale bar represents branch length corresponding with 0.1 amino acid substitution per site.
h; human, m; mouse, r; rat, b; bovine, p; pig, gp; guinea pig, c; chicken
ASGR; asialoglycoprotein receptor, CGN; conglutinin, CL; collectin, CPCP; cartilage proteoglycan core protein, HL; hepatic lectin, MASGP; macrophage asialoglycoprotein-binding protein, MBP-1, 2; major basic protein-1, 2, MBP-A, C; mannose-binding protein-A, C, MMR; macrophage mannose receptor, NKG; natural killer group, NKR; natural killer cell receptor, PAP; pancreatitis-associated protein, PSP-1, 2; pancreatic stone protein-1, 2, PSP-A, D; pulmonary surfactant associated protein-A, D, TN; tetranectin