Stem Cell Growth Factor
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  Human scgf gene's targets for miRNA are focused on the 3'-UTR around AATAAA polyA signal (below). Twenty-two human scgf-targeting miRNAs could play an important role in regulating polyA tail-addition for scgf mRNA.

Scgf  gene's target for miRNA

  Human scgf gene's targets (‘) for miRNAs in the 3'-UTR following 4th exon (IV), in the midst of which AATAAA
  polyA signal (‘) is located. (miRBase, Scale bar indicates nucleotide length.

  Nucleotide sequence of scgfgene's target for miRNA is shown below; relevant miRNA on the right margin, aataaa polyA signal, 4th exon underlined.

    57541  tcccgcggtt ctgaccacgc ctcctcccag ccctccccat gagttcctgg ccccgcctcc
    57601  ctccaccccc ggatgttttg tcctcgcccc cttccagact ctgaatgcat gaccccgcct
    57661  ccttctctac ccggccccgc ccacaggctg cctgaagggg ctgcgcctgg gccacaagtg  4th exon
    57721  cttcctgctc tcgcgcgact tcgaagctca ggcggcggcg caggcgcggt gcacggcgcg
    57781  gggcgggagc ctggcgcagc cggcagaccg ccagcagatg gaggcgctca ctcggtacct
    57841  gcgcgcggcg ctcgctccct acaactggcc cgtgtggctg ggcgtgcacg atcggcgcgc
    57901  cgagggcctc tacctcttcg aaaacggcca gcgcgtgtcc ttcttcgcct ggcatcgctc
    57961  accccgcccc gagctcggcg cccagcccag cgcctcgccg catccgctca gcccggacca
    58021  gcccaacggt ggcacgctcg agaactgcgt ggcgcaggcc tctgacgacg gctcctggtg
    58081  ggaccacgac tgccagcggc gtctctacta cgtctgcgag ttccccttct agcggggccg  hsa-miR-663
    58141  gtaccccgcc tccctgccca tcccaccacc cggcctttcc ctgcgccgtg cccaccctcc  hsa-miR-541
    58201  tccggaatct cccttccctt cctggccacg aatggcagcg tcctccccga cccccagtct  hsa-miR-151-3p
    58261  gggcgcttct gggagggctc ttgcggtgcc ggcactcctc cttgttagtg tctttccttg  hsa-miR-371-3p
    58321  aaggggcggg caccaggcta ggtccggtgc caataaatcc ttgtggaatc tgacttgagg  hsa-miR-615-3p
    58381  ggcagtgaag gcagtcttgg actttatctc ctgcagggga agccgggaag ggccagaccc  hsa-miR-328
    58441  tggtctttgg gcgcgtgtcc tggcctttgg atgcctgttc tgctttttac agatgtcatt
    58501  tgagccccag atggagtgat ggagaaacac aggtgcatat gtacacacgg tcatctgttc
    58561  tgtgcacaga tggccggagt acacgcgtac aaacgctgta gacaccttca cctccatcgt  hsa-miR-210
    58621  gccctctctc tcggcctttg ggacccaggg cctgccagtt gtcccaggcc ttggtcttgg
    58681  tcctggtcaa agagatttgg gaaacgtgaa ggggctaaag gctctgacaa gtccggcagg
    58741  aaagagcccg tttaatttgt ttaagtggcg tgtccaattt gtttccccag atgatatggt  hsa-miR-302a
    58801  ttcatggact tgttgggatg atatattgag acatggactt aaggactcac ccaaccctga
    58861  agcttagact tcctcccaat tttccctcct ctgcttcctg ccagtgaggc caggagccag  hsa-miR-149
    58921  tcccttcccc tctgtgagcc tcgggttttt catctgaacg tgggcacaat ccctcctact
    58981  ttgtgcggct cttgggatgt tcaggtgaga ccaggacagt gtgcatttgg tggtggctga  hsa-miR-105
    59041  acttgagcca cacactacct tccgtcctca cctttttttt tccttttttg agacacggtc  
    59101  ttgctctttc gcccaggctg gagtgcagtg gtacaatcat ggcttactgc agcctcaatc  hsa-miR-367
    59161  ttctgggttc aagcagtcct cccaccttag ccccccaagt agctgggact acaggcacgc

  Ninety-five miRNAs are predicted to target scgf  (miRNA Interaction Explorer at MGI, Mouse Genome Informatics, The
Jackson Laboratory).
  Mammalian scgf-targeting miRNAs deposited in miRBase and microRNA.orginclude 21 Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee) miRNAs, 27 Macaca mulatta (Macaque) miRNAs, 42 Mus musculus (Mouse) miRNAs, 12 Rattus norvegicus (Rat) miRNAs  and 18 Monodelphis domestica (Opossum) miRNAs (table below).

Scgf-targeting miRNA
Homo sapiens
Pan troglodytes
Macaca mulatta
Mus musculus(Mouse) Rattus norvegicus
Monodelphis domestica(Opossum)
hsa-miR-663 hsa-miR-149 hsa-miR-541 mmu-miR-362 hsa-miR-639 mdo-miR-138
hsa-miR-541 hsa-miR-371 hsa-miR-608 mmu-miR-667 mmu-miR-675 mmu-miR-702
hsa-miR-151 mmu-miR-466 mmu-miR-719 hsa-miR-548 mmu-miR-546 mmu-miR-464
hsa-miR-371 ptr-miR-24 hsa-miR-184 hsa-miR-938 hsa-miR-516 mmu-miR-466
hsa-miR-615 hsa-miR-887 hsa-miR-564 mmu-miR-297 rno-miR-221 mmu-miR-687
hsa-miR-328 mmu-miR-743 hsa-miR-638 mmu-miR-124 rno-miR-222 bta-miR-210
hsa-miR-210 ptr-miR-105 hsa-miR-138 hsa-miR-650 hsa-miR-432 mmu-miR-676
hsa-miR-302 ptr-miR-147 hsa-miR-193 hsa-miR-631 rno-miR-208 mmu-miR-540
hsa-miR-149 hsa-miR-615 hsa-miR-658 hsa-miR-612 hsa-miR-559 bta-miR-331
hsa-miR-105 hsa-miR-210 mml-miR-96 mmu-miR-145 hsa-miR-548 hsa-miR-431
hsa-miR-367 hsa-miR-489 hsa-miR-371 mmu-miR-33 rno-miR-18 mdo-miR-196

hsa-miR-502 hsa-miR-361 mmu-miR-675 rno-miR-431 hsa-miR-596

hsa-miR-541 hsa-miR-631 hsa-miR-605

mmu-miR-690 hsa-miR-151 mmu-miR-330

hsa-miR-663 mmu-miR-344 hsa-miR-569

hsa-miR-892 hsa-miR-675 hsa-miR-595

hsa-miR-885 hsa-miR-515 hsa-miR-559

hsa-miR-367 hsa-miR-632 hsa-miR-589

hsa-miR-564 mmu-miR-883 hsa-miR-516

hsa-miR-933 hsa-miR-339 mmu-miR-19

mmu-miR-681 hsa-miR-615 mmu-miR-216

mmu-miR-540 hsa-miR-502

hsa-miR-331 mmu-miR-147

hsa-miR-938 mmu-miR-466

hsa-miR-663 hsa-miR-432

hsa-miR-654 mmu-miR-193

mmu-miR-689 mmu-miR-671















           (from miRBase, The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute,, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)

  It is strikingly noteworthy that tissue/organ expression of human scgf-targeting miRNAs parallel that of scgf gene. (see table below [] and also Gene Expression section) Hematopoietic tissues, bone, brain, breast, liver, testis and uterus are common tissues/organs expressing gene and miRNA. Their correlation implicates that human scgf-targeting miRNAs potentially down-regulate stem cell growth in those tissues/organs.
  Mouse scgf-targeting miRNA in mES cells includes mmu-miR-19a, mmu-miR-19b, mmu-miR-190, mmu-miR-190b, mmu-miR-216a, mmu-miR-216b, mmu-miR-221 and mmu-miR-222 (ESCAPE; Embryonic Stem Cells Atlas of Pluripotency
  Murine term (18.5dpc) myometrium up-regulates miR-200 family relative to pregnant (15.5dpc) one, of which scgf-targeting mmu-miR-221 and 222 are not up-regulated, whereas scgf gene expression is 2.8-fold down-regulated in the term uterus (292).
  Scgf mRNA, hsa-miR-378c,d,f,i miRNA and ENST00000590159.1 lncRNA are differentially and interrelatedly expressed in human intracranial saccular aneurysm (556).

Human scgf-targeting miRNA
Chromosome location
hsa-miRNA signature
high GC content [Comput. Biol. Chem. 32:222-226, 2008]
exclusively expressed in chondroblasts but not in osteoblasts and
adipocytes when they are differentiated from MSCs i n vivo  [Exp.
Hematol. 36:1354-1369, 2008]
up-regulated in smooth muscle cells along differentiation of human
bone marrow-derived MSCs and uterine leiomyosarcoma tissue
[Am. J. Pathol. 177:908-917, 2010]
up-regulated in the cobblestone area of glycophorin A+ and CD44+
TF-1 leukemia cells adherent to mouse bone marrow-derived
hyaluronan-producing MS-5 cells relative to monocultured TF-1
cells [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 392:271-276, 2010]
up-regulated during differentiation of HL-60 human leukemia cells
induced by a product of lipid peroxidation, 4-hydroxynonenal [Free
Radic. Biol. Med. 46:282-288, 2009]
differentially modulated in monocyte-derived dendritic cells
stimulated with combination of TLR4 agonist, LPS and TLR8
agonist, resiquimod (R848) with respect to single agonists  [Blood
114:796-806, 2009]
specifically expressed in lung cancer [Nucleic Acids Res. 38:6234-
6246, 2010]
up-regulated in adenocarcinoma tissue relative to squamous cell
carcinoma tissue in male smoker patients with lung cancer [Clin.
Cancer Res.16:430-441, 2010]
up-regulated in Huh7.5.1 human hepatoma cells infected with the
JFH-1-derived cell culture-grown HCV relative to UV-inactivated
HCV [Virology 398:57-67, 2010]
associated with c-myc and p53 mRNAs in free and cytoskeleton-
and membrane-bound polysome populations of regenerating rat
liver after partial hepatectomy [Am. J. Physiol. Gastrointest. Liver
Physiol. 297:G1181-G1192, 2009]
TGF-β1-targeting hsa-miR-663 is up-regulated in SW480 human
colon cancer cells treated with a natural antioxidant, resveratrol, to
repress TGF-β1 mRNA expression [Biochem. Pharmacol. 80:2057-
2065, 2010]
down-regulated in androgen-independent LNCaP C4-2B and PC3
human prostate cancer cells, compared to androgen-dependent
LNCaP and PC3-AR9 cells [RNA 14:417-424, 2008]
down-regulated in BGC823 andSNU5 human gastric cancer cells
relative to normal cells, and transfection with hsa-miR-663 up-
regulates cyclin B to suppress their proliferation [Oncol. Rep. 24:105
-112, 2010]
up-regulated in peripheral blood MNCs and EBV-transformed B
cells from lupus nephritis [PLoS ONE 5:e10344, 2010]
down-regulated in lupus nephritis kidney [Rheumatol. Int. 29:749-
754, 2009]
down-regulated in the renal cortex from patients with acute
rejection after renal transplantation [Transpl. Immunol. 19:81-85,
up-regulated in lymphoblastoid cell lines from autistic subjects
relative to normal controls [Autism Res.1:240-250, 2008]
Appetite and energy expenditure-regulating peptide YY (PYY) SNP
(rs162431:1134C/A)-targeting hsa-miR-663 down-regulates PYY to
invite obesity [J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 94:4557-4566, 2009]
up-regulated in M1 AML cells relative to M5 AML cells. [Am. J.
Hematol. 86:2-11, 2011]
useful for differentiating chromophobe renal cell carcinoma from
papillary and clear cell renal cell carcinoma, since hsa-miR-663 is up
-regulated and down-regulated in the former and the latter renal
cell carcinomas, respectively [Eur. Urol. 59:721-730, 2011]
down-regulated in human adipocytes relative to preadipocytes [Mol.
Cell. Biol. 31:626-638, 2011]
3' UTR of androgen receptor (AR)-targeting hsa-miR-541 is down-
regulated in human AR+ LNCaP, 22Rv1, MDA-PCa-2b, LAPC-4
and CWR-R1 prostate cancer cells. Transfection with
miR-541 down-regulates AR and more efficiently inhibits cell growth
of androgen-responsive prostate cancer cells than AR siRNAs or
treatment with Casodex. [Cancer Res. 71:1956-1967, 2011]
derived from L2 (LINE) transposable element [Genetics 176:1323-
1337, 2007]
detected above background in the normal peripheral blood cells
[Mol. Diagn. 9:452-458, 2007]
down-regulated in CD3+CD4+CD25hi+CD127-regulatory T cells
relative to CD4+CD25+ T cells [Cell. Immunol. 260:70-74, 2010]
down-regulated in CD3+CD4+  T cells from lymphocytic variant of
hypereosinophilic syndrome patients compared with CD3+CD4+  T
cells from normal controls [Blood 114:2969-2983, 2009]
up-regulated in erythroid cells differentiated from human umbilical
cord blood-derived CD34+ cells and K562 cells [Exp. Hematol. 35:551
-564, 2007]
MPL-targeting hsa-miR-151 is up-regulated in platelets from
patients with JAK2V617F+ essential thrombocythemia and MPL
W515L+primary myelofibrosis, and down-regulates MPL to induce
myeloproliferative disorder. [Blood 116:437-445, 2010]
BCR-ABL1-mediated down-regulation in bone marrow MNCs and
CD34+ cells from CML patients [Mol. Cancer Res. 6:1830-1840,
down-regulated in IGHV-unmutated 17p-  CLL cells but not in IGHV
-mutated 17p-  CLL cells, and up-regulated in trisomy 12 CLL
cells relative to the other CLL subclasses [Blood 114:3872-3879,
up-regulated in C22.20 and HC.21 colorectal cancer cells treated
with 5-FU [Eur. J. Cancer 46:298-311, 2010]
down-regulated in colorectal cancer tissue with stable
microsatellite relative to that with unstable microsatellite [Cancer
Res. 68:6416-6424, 2008]
down-regulated in Huh7.5.1 human hepatoma cells infected with the
JFH-1-derived cell culture-grown HCV relative to UV-inactivated
HCV [Virology 398:57-67, 2010]
amplified in hepatocellular carcinoma and facilitates tumor invasion
and metastasis mainly through hsa-miR-151-5p, but not through
hsa-miR-151-3p [Nature Cell Biol. 12:390-399, 2010]
copy number gain in ovarian cancer, breast cancer and melanoma
[Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103:9136-9141, 2006]
TRAIL-induced caspase-3 activation is inhibited in MDA-MB-453
breast cancer cells transfected with hsa-miR-151. [Cancer Res. 67:
10782-10788, 2007]
up-regulated in the peripheral blood cells from patients with
melanoma [BMC Cancer 10:262, 2010]
up-regulated in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma tissue relative
to normal controls [Cancer Res. 68:26-33, 2008]
up-regulated in endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma tissue
[Int. J. Cancer 124:1358-1365, 2009]
up-regulated in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma tissue
relative to paired adjacent normal tissue [Am. J. Pathol.174:736-
745, 2009]
up-regulated in muscle specimens from patients with
facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, limb-girdle muscular
dystrophies types 2A and 2B, Miyoshi myopathy and nemaline
myopathy [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104:17016-17021, 2007]
up-regulated in the frontal cortex and striate corpus from patients
with Huntington's disease [Nucleic Acids Res. 38:7219-7235, 2010]
stem cell-specific
ES cell-specific, i.e. only expressed in SNU-hES3 and MIZ-hES1
human ES cells, but not in embryonal carcinoma or other cells [Dev.
Biol. 270:488-498, 2004]
up-regulated in human ES cells and trophoblast cell line [Stem Cells
26:1506-1516, 2008]
up-regulated in the malignant germ cell tumors including yolk sac
tumor and seminoma/embryonal carcinoma [Cancer Res. 70:2911-
2923, 2010]
up-regulated in human testes from patients with non-obstructive
azoospermia [Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 7:13, 2009]
up-regulated upon in vitro  replicative senescence of human MSCs
[PLoS ONE 3:e2213, 2008]
not expressed in 3D5, Jurkat, K562, CMK, HL-60 and U937
leukemia cells [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 349:59-68, 2006]
down-regulated in bone marrow cells from patients with AML
relative to normal bone marrow CD34+ cells [Blood 111:3183-3189,
up-regulated over 10-fold higher in the placentas than in maternal
blood cells, and undetectable in postdelivery maternal plasma [Clin.
Chem. 54:482-490, 2008]
TRAIL-induced caspase-3 activation is enhanced in MDA-MB-453
breast cancer cells transfected with hsa-miR-371. [Cancer Res.67:
10782-10788, 2007]
Expression of hsa-miR-371 in ovarian cancer cell lines is associated
with in vitro  resistance to docetaxel. [Gynecol. Oncol. 113:249-255,
up-regulated in liver tissue from patients with primary biliary
cirrhosis [J. Autoimmun. 32:246-253, 2009]
up-regulated in peripheral MNCs and EBV-transformed B cell lines
from lupus nephritis [PLoS ONE 5:e10344, 2010]
up-regulated in human ES, neural precursor and glioma cells
[Neuro-Oncol. 12:422-433, 2010]
highly expressed in 2102Ep and NTERA-2 human embryonal
carcinoma cells and BG01V, HuES-9, -20, -21 and -22 human ES
cells [Stem Cells 25:437-446, 2007]
highly expressed in human ES cells with a lower expression level in
EB cells, and undetectable in adult brain tissue. [Stem Cells Dev. 16:
1003-1016, 2007]
down-regulated in AML cells relative to CD34+ cells from healthy
donors. [Blood 111:3183-3189, 2008]
down-regulated in the bone marrow cells from patients with acute
lymphoblastic leukemia [Leuk. Res. 35:188-195, 2011]
high GC content [Comput. Biol. Chem. 32:222-226, 2008]
up-regulated in plerixafor- or G-CSF-mobilized rhesus macaque
peripheral blood CD34+ cells relative to plerixafor plus G-CSF-
mobilized CD34+ cells [Blood114:2530-2541, 2009]
dow-nregulatedin HT29 colon cancer cells transfected with tumor
suppressor nasopharyngeal carcinoma-associated gene 6 (NGX6)
[Mol. Cell. Biochem. 345:283-290, 2010]
up-regulated in resveratrol-treated SW480 human colon cancer
cells [Biochem. Pharmacol. 80:2057-2065, 2010]
up-regulated in invasive human lung squamous carcinoma cells
relative to carcinoma in situ cells [Eur. Respir. J. 33:352-359, 2009]
down-regulated in lupus nephritis kidney [Rheumatol. Int. 29:749-
754, 2009]
down-regulated in atopic dermatitis skin [J. Allergy. Clin. Immunol.
126:581-589, 2010]
up-regulated in estrogen receptor α-positive breast cancer cells
relative to the receptor-negative cancer cells and as well as to
nontumorigenic immortalized cells. [Cancer Res. 70:9175-9184, 2010]
high GC content [Comput. Biol. Chem. 32:222-226, 2008]
detected in primary human macrophages [Cell. Immunol. 263:1-8,
up-regulated in bone marrow cells from patients with t(11q23) AML
versus all other AMLs [Blood 111:3183-3189, 2008]
up-regulated in mantle cell lymphoma cells relative to normal CD19
+ B lymphocytes [Blood 115:2630-2639, 2010]
down-regulated in human colorectal cancer tissues [J. Genet.
Genomics 37:347-358, 2010]
Breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2)-targeting hsa-
miR-328 down-regulates expression of BCRP/ABCG2 in MCF-7
and MCF-7/MX100 breast cancer cells [Mol. Pharmacol. 75:1374-
1379, 2009]
down-regulated in pure antiestrogen fulvestrant-resistant MCF7-
FR breast cancer cells relative to their drug-sensitive parental
estrogen receptor-positive MCF7 cells. [Bioinformatics 25:430-434,
down-regulated in SF268, SF295, SF539, SNB19, SNB75 and U251
central nervous system tumor cell lines [Cancer Res. 67:2456-2468,
RE1-silencing transcription factor up-regulates hsa-miR-328 in the
frontal cortex from patients with Huntington disease relative to
normal controls [Nucleic Acids Res. 38:7219-7235, 2010]
up-regulated in the prion-induced neurodegenerative brains of mice
infected with mouse-adapted scrapie [PLoS ONE 3:e3652, 2008]
Neurokinin-1 receptor-targeting hsa-miR-328 is up-regulated in
bladder tissue from patients with chronic bladder pain syndrome.
[Am. J. Pathol. 176:288-303, 2010]
up-regulated in liver tissue from patients with primary biliary
cirrhosis [J. Autoimmun. 32:246-253, 2009]
down-regulated in atopic dermatitis skin [Clin. Immunol. 126:581-
589, 2010]
down-regulated in human ES, neural precursor and glioma cells
[Neuro-Oncol. 12:422-433, 2010]
up-regulated in t(11q23) AML cells relative to other type AML cells.
[Blood 111:3183-3189, 2008]
Breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2)-targeting hsa-
miR-328 down-regulates expression of BCRP/ABCG2 in MCF-7/
MX100 breast cancer cells. Hsa-miR-328 is down-regulated in
human stem-like BCRP/ABCG2+ RB143 retinoblastoma cells
relative to BCRP/ABCG2- non-stem-like cells. [Biochem.
Pharmacol. 81:783-792, 2011]
Hsa-miR-328 is epigenetically silenced in urothelial cell carcinoma
by more frequent and dense hypermethylation in CpG shores than
islands. [Clin. Cancer Res. 17:1287-1296, 2011]
11p15.5: 568089-568198
HIF-1α-inducible miR under hypoxia
hsa-miR-210 is HIF-1α-dependently expressed in a variety of
tumor types under hypoxia, and ectopic expression of hsa-miR-210
in human tumor cells represses their growth in immunodeficient
mice. [Mol. Cell 35:856-867, 2009]
Hypoxia stabilizes HIF-1αto up-regulate hsa-miR-210 in the
murine ischemic wound, which limits keratinocyte proliferation.
[Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107:6976-6981, 2010]
HIF-1α-responsive hsa-miR-210 induces hypoxia-dependent
tissue ischemia, inflammation, and tumorigenesis. [Cell Cycle 9:1072-
1083, 2010]
Ischemic preconditioning reduces apoptosis in rat MSCs through HIF
-1α and miR-210 induction via FLASH/Casp8ap2  suppression. [J.
Biol. Chem. 284:33161-33168, 2009]
up-regulated in day-12 neurons from human bone marrow-derived
MSCs relative to uninduced MSCs, but the up-regulation of hsa-
miR -210 is not repressed when the day-12 neurons are treated
with IL-1α to induceTac1-encoded neurotransmitter substance P,
indicating that hsa-miR-210 does not take a part in synthesis of
substance P. [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104:15484-15489, 2007]
up-regulated in erythroid cells differentiated from human umbilical
cord blood-derived CD34+ cells and K562 cells [Exp.Hematol. 35:551
-564, 2007]
up-regulated in trophectoderm cells relative to blastocysts [Nucleic
Acids Res. 38:5141-5151, 2010]
not up-regulated in primary human trophoblasts under hypoxia
[FASEB J. 24:2030-2039, 2010]
detected in primary human macrophages [Cell. Immunol. 263:1-8,
down-regulated in TK-6 human lymphoblast cell line under cellular
stress such as 6-day folate deficiency or arsenic exposure
compared with control [Cancer Res. 66:10843-10848, 2006]
hsa-miR-210-targeting PML-RARA up-regulates hsa-miR-210 in
primary and NB4 acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) cells by all-
trans  retinoic acid, indicating that transcriptional repression of the
hsa-miR-210 by PML-RARA is an essential cancer attribute of
APL. [Blood 113:412-421, 2009]
up-regulated in germinal center B cell type diffuse large B cell
lymphoma cells [Blood 116:3111, 2010]
up-regulated in serum from diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients
[Br. J. Haematol. 141:672-675, 2008]
up-regulated in mantle cell lymphoma cells relative to normal CD19
+ B lymphocytes [Blood 115:2630-2639, 2010]
highly expressed in quiescent human umbilical vein endothelial cells,
but not down-regulated in response to IL-3 or bFGF [Arterioscler.
Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 30:1562-1568, 2010]
Hypoxia-induced HIF-1 up-regulates ephrin-A3- or neuronal
pentraxin 1-targeting hsa-miR-210 in human umbilical vein
endothelial cells. [FEBS Lett. 582:2397-2401, 2008]
Ephrin-A3-targeting hsa-miR-210 is up-regulated in human
umbilical vein endothelial cells under hypoxia to promote survival,
migration, and differentiation of endothelial cells. [J. Biol. Chem. 283:
15878-15883, 2008]
expressed in adult mouse retina and E10 embryo [J. Biol. Chem. 282:
25053-25066, 2007]
down-regulated in adenovirus type 3-infected human laryngeal
epithelial cells [J. Biomed. Biotechnol. 915980, 2010]
up-regulated in lung cancer tissue [Cancer Cell. 9:189-198, 2006]
up-regulated in the lung cancer tissue relative to adjacent normal
tissue [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 388:483-489, 2009]
up-regulated in lung adenocaricoma tissue relative to adjacent non-
tumourous lung parenchyma [Eur. J. Cancer 45:2197-2206, 2009]
up-regulated in the lung adenocarcinoma tissue relative to adjacent
normal tissue [AACR Meeting Abstracts 2009:570, 2009]
up-regulated in the lung cancer tissue relative to normal lung tissue
and in mutant EGFR lung cancer tissue relative to wild-type lung
cancer tissue [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106:12085-12090, 2009]
down-regulated in EGFR-silenced CL1-5 human lung cancer cells
[Cancer Res. 70:8822-8831, 2010]
not differentially regulated in A549 human non-small cell lung
cancer cells in the culture with cisplatin, C2-ceramide or cadmium
dichloride, and transfection of A549 cells with pre-hsa-miR-210
induces a minor G2-M blockage [Cancer Res. 70:1793-1803, 2010]
up-regulated in squamous cell lung cancer tissue relative to
adjacent normal lung tissue [Cancer Res. 69:5776-5783, 2009]
Hypoxia in MCF7 and HCT116 cancer cells up-regulates HIF-1 and
mitochondrial iron sulfur scaffold protein (ISCU)-targeting hsa-miR-
210, and down-regulation of ISCU causes enhanced cancer cell
survival and a worse prognosis. [PLoS ONE 5:e10345, 2010]
Hypoxia up-regulates hsa-miR-210 HIF-1α-dependently in MCF7
breast adenocarcinoma cells, Hep3B hepatoblastoma cells, HeLa
uterine cervix adenocarcinoma cells, and VHL (von Hippel-Lindau)-
dependently in RCC4 renal cancer cells transfected with VHL. Its
expression level in breast cancer samples is an independent
prognostic factor. [Clin. Cancer Res. 14:1340-1348, 2008]
associated with estrogen receptor (ER)+, lymph node-negative
(LNN) breast cancer aggressiveness and metastatic capability in
the ER+, LNN breast cancer and ER-, progesterone receptor-, HER
-2 amplication- breast cancer [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 105:
13021-13026, 2008]
a potential biomarker for predicting clinical outcome in breast
cancer [AACR Meeting Abstracts 2008:929, 2008]
hsa-miR-210 is HIF-1α-dependently up-regulated in HT29 and
HCT116 colon and MCF7 and MDA-MB231 breast cancer cells
under hypoxia, and decreases proapoptotic signaling. [Mol. Cell. Biol.
27:1859-1867, 2007]
most overexpressed miR in high-grade versus low-grade breast
tumor tissue [RNA 15:716-723, 2009]
DNA repair factor, RAD52-targeting hsa-miR-210 is HIF-1α-
dependently up-regulated in HeLa and MCF-7 cancer cells under
hypoxia [Cancer Res. 69:1221-1229, 2009]
down-regulated in C22.20 and HC.21 colorectal cancer cells treated
with 5-FU [Eur. J. Cancer 46:298-311, 2010]
up-regulated in colon adenocarcinoma tissue relative to adjacent
nontumorous tissue [JAMA 299:425-436, 2008]
Pre-S1 region of HBV large S protein- and HBV polymerase-
targeting hsa-miR-210 suppresses HBV replication in HepG22.2.15
hepatocellular carcinoma cells without affecting cell growth.
[Antiviral Res. 88:169-175, 2010]
down-regulated in Huh7.5.1 human hepatocellular carcinoma cells
infected with the JFH-1-derived cell culture-grown HCV relative to
UV-inactivated HCV [Virology 398:57-67, 2010]
up-regulated in the liver tissue from paitents with hepatocellular
carcinoma relative to adjancent normal tissue [Cancer Res.70:
8077-8087, 2010]
down-regulated in the tissues of Barrett's premalignant esophagus
with high-grade dysplasia relative to adjacent normal tissues [Clin.
Cancer Res. 15:5744-5752, 2009]
Hypoxia-induced hsa-miR-210 in the head and neck squamous cell
carcinoma tissue correlates with hypoxia-related TWIST1, HIF-1
and its target gene carbonic anhydrase 9. hsa-miR-210 is not
associated with tumor size, differentiation and stage, but with
disease recurrence and short survival. [Cancer 116:2148-2158,
down-regulated in temozolomide resistant-U251 glioblastoma
multiforme cells relative to sensitive U251 cells [Cancer Lett. 296:
241-248, 2010]
elevated in the plasma from patients with pancreatic ductal
adenocarcinoma [Cancer Prev. Res. 2:807-813, 2009]
elevated in the plasma from patients with pancreatic cancer
relative to normal controls, and can be a potential biomarker for
pancreatic cancer diagnosis. [Transl. Oncol. 3:109-113, 2010]
hsa-miR-210 up-regulated in the pancreatic ductal
adenocarcinoma tissue correlates with a poor prognosis [Int. J.
Cancer 126:73-80, 2010]
up-regulated in clear cell renal cell carcinoma tissue relative to
adjacent normal tissue [Clin. Biochem. 43:150-158, 2010]
up-regulated in clear cell renal cell carcinoma tissue relative to
adjacent normal tissue [J. Cell. Mol. Med. 13:3918-3928, 2009]
up-regulated in adrenocortical carcinoma relative to cortisol-
producing adenoma [Endocr. Relat. Cancer 16:895-906, 2009]
up-regulated in adrenal tissue from patients with primary pigmented
nodular adrenocortical disease (bilateral adrenal hyperplasia often
associated with Carney complex, a multiple neoplasia syndrome)
[Cancer Res. 69:3278-3282, 2009]
up-regulated in adrenal cortex tissue from patients with ACTH-
independent Cushing syndrome caused by massive macronodular
adrenocortical disease [Clin. Endocrinol. 72:744-751, 2010]
up-regulated in endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma [Int. J.
Cancer 124:1358-1365, 2009]
e2f transcription factor 3 (e2f3)-targeting hsa-miR-210 is up-
regulated in ovarian cancer cells under hypoxia, and down-regulates
e2f3  expression [Cancer Biol. Ther. 7:255-264, 2008]
up-regulated in melanomas relative to melanocytic nevi, but the up-
regulation does not correlate with survival. [Int. J. Cancer 126:2553-
2562, 2010]
Efna3- and Ptp1b-targeting miR-210 is down-regulated in 48 hour-
hypoxia-induced mouse HL-1 cardiomyocytes relative to normal
cells. miR-210-transduction facilitates angiogenesis and inhibits
apoptosis in vitro  and in vivo  to improve ischemic heart function.
[Circulation 122:S124-S131, 2010]
up-regulated in failing and fetal human heart tissue [Circulation. 116:
258-267, 2007]
up-regulated in human infarcted heart tissue within 7 days after
myocaridial infarction relative to normal heart tissue [Dis. Markers
27:255-268, 2009]
up-regulated in both intima and serum samples from patients with
arteriosclerosis obliterans relative to normal controls, and may
serve as a potential biomarker for early stage arteriosclerosis
obliterans. [Clin. Chim. Acta 412:66-70, 2010]                            
up-regulated in muscle specimens from patients with Duchenne
muscular dystrophy [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104:17016-17021,
down-regulated in human skeletal muscle biopsied 3 hours after
insulin infusion-induced hyperinsulinemia with euglycemia [Diabetes
58:2555-2564, 2009]@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
up-regulated in severe preeclamptic placentas relative to normal
controls [Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 200:661.e1-e7, 2009]
up-regulated in the placentas from patients with preeclampsia and
preeclampsia plus small-for-gestational age neonates relative to
normal controls [Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 196:261.e1-e6, 2007]
down-regulated in lupus nephritis kidney [Rheumatol. Int. 29:749-
754, 2009]
Fibroblast growth factor receptor-like1 (FGFRL1)-targeting hsa-
miR-210 is down-regulated in human esophageal squamous cell
carcinoma specimens and KYSE-150, -170, -190, and -590 cells,
and transfection of the cells with hsa-miR-210 down-regulates
FGFRL1 to suppress their proliferation. [J. Biol. Chem 286:420-428,
up-regulated in human ES, neural precursor and glioma cells
[Neuro-Oncol. 12:422-433, 2010]
more frequently and densely hypermethylated around CpG shores
than islands in human urothelial cell carcinoma. [Clin. Cancer Res.
17:1287-1296, 2011]
ES cell-specific  [Biochem.Biophys. Res. Commun. 417:11-16,
ES cell-specific, i.e. only expressed in SNU-hES3 and MIZ-hES1
human ES cells, mouse ES cells (less abundant than in human ES
cells), human embryonic carcinoma cells and human embryoid body.
[Dev. Biol. 270:488-498, 2004]
Oct4/Sox2/Nanog/Tcf3 and Oct4 transcription factors bind to a
promoter region of hsa-miR-302 preferentially expressed in murine
and human ES cells, respectively. [Cell 134:521-533, 2008]
cyclin D1-targeting hsa-miR-302 is specifically expressed in human
ES and pluripotent cells, and represses cyclin D1 to facilitate their
entry into S-phase by Oct4 and Sox2 binding to miR-302 promoter.
[Mol. Cell Biol. 28:6426-6438, 2008]
hsa-miR-302 is deacetylated in human ES cells, but
hyperacetylated at K56 upon retinoic acid-induced differentiation
[Mol. Cell 33:417-427, 2009]
Specifically expressed in mouse ES cells, but is repressed as they
differentiate into embryoid bodies, and is undetectable in adult
mouse organs. [Dev. Cell 5:351-358, 2003]
specifically expressed in murine ES cells and embryoid body [Mamm.
Genome 18:316-327, 2007]
specifically expressed in murine ES cells and embryoid body
[Mamm.Genome 17:833-840, 2006]
hsa-miR-302 is expressed specifically in embryonic cell types,
including ES cells, embryoid bodies, trophoblasts, endoderm and iPS
cells. [Genome Res. 20:589-599, 2010]
expressed in 3D5, Jurkat, CMK, HL-60 and U937 leukemia cell lines
[Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 349:59-68, 2006]
up-regulated in human ES, neural precursor and glioma cells
[Neuro-Oncol. 12:422-433, 2010]
highly expressed in 2102Ep and NTERA-2 human embryonal
carcinoma cells and BG01V, HuES-9, -20, -21 and -22 human ES
cells [Stem Cells 25:437-446, 2007]
highly expressed in human ES cells with a lower expression level in
EB cells, and undetectable in adult brain tissue. [Stem Cells Dev. 16:
1003-1016, 2007]
NR2F2-targeting hsa-miR-302 is activated by Oct4 in the
undifferentiated RUES2 human ES cells to repress NR2F2 gene.
[EMBO J. 30:237-248, 2011]
enhances reprogramming of human fibroblasts to iPS cells. [Nature
Biotechnol. 29:443-448, 2011]
high GC content [Comput. Biol. Chem. 32:222-226, 2008]
down-regulated and up-regulated in erythroid cells differentiated
from human umbilical cord blood-derived CD34+ cells and K562
cells, respectively [Exp. Hematol. 35:551-564, 2007]
up-regulated in erythroid cells differentiated from normal peripheral
blood MNCs [Exp. Hematol. 35:1657-1667, 2007]
hsa-miR-149 expressed in T-cells targets the vpr gene of HIV-1.
[Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 337:1214-1218, 2005]
up-regulated in MEG-01, UT-7, CMK and LAMA acute
megakaryoblastic leukemia cells compared with megakaryocytes
differentiated in vitro  from CD34+ bone marrow cells [Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA 103:5078-5083, 2006]
down-regulated in the granulocytes from patients with
myeloproliferative disorders such as polycythemia vera and
essential thrombocythemia [Exp. Hematol. 35:1708-1718, 2007]
up-regulated in Huh7.5.1 human hepatoma cells infected with the
JFH-1-derived cell culture-grown HCV relative to UV-inactivated
HCV [Virology 398:57-67, 2010]
down-regulated@in prostate cancer specimen relative to paired
adjacent normal tissue [Int. J. Cancer 126:1166-1176, 2010]
down-regulated in human uterine cervical cancer cell lines [FEBS
Lett. 582:4113-4116, 2008]
down-regulated in SF268, SF295, SF539, SNB19, SNB75 and U251
central nervous system tumor cells [Cancer Res. 67:2456-2468,
down-regulated in high-risk group of neuroblastoma than in low and
intermediate risk groups. A cognate hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-149*,
ectopically expressed in Be2C neuroblastoma cells and HeLa cells
transfected with hsa-miR-149 represses Akt1 and E2F1 directly
and Myb indirectly to induce apoptosis [Mol. Carcinog. 49:719-727,
down-regulated in tongue carcinoma cells [Clin. Cancer Res. 14:2588
-2592, 2008]
induced in SCC13 human keratinocyte-derived squamous cell
carcinoma cells infected with p53 overexpressing adenovirus
(Adp53) [RNA 15:493-501, 2009]
down-regulated in the tissues of Barrett's premalignant esophagus
with high-grade dysplasia relative to adjacent normal tissues [Clin.
Cancer Res. 15:5744-5752, 2009]
up-regulated over 10-fold higher in the placentas than in maternal
blood cells and undetectable in postdelivery maternal plasma [Clin.
Chem. 54:482-490, 2008]
down-regulated in atopic dermatitis skin [J. Allergy. Clin. Immunol.
126:581-589, 2010]
more frequently and densely hypermethylated around CpG shores
than islands in human urothelial cell carcinoma. [Clin. Cancer Res.
17:1287-1296, 2011]
down-regulated in the granulocytes from patients with
myeloproliferative disorders such as polycythemia vera and
essential thrombocythemia [Exp. Hematol. 35:1708-1718, 2007]
Overexpression of hsa-miR-105 in A549 human lung carcinoma
cells and HeLa human cervical adenocarcinoma cells decreases
caspase-3 activity independently of TRAIL. [Cancer Res. 67:10782-
10788, 2007]
up-regulated in the liver tissue from paitents with hepatocellular
carcinoma relative to adjancent normal tissue [Cancer Res. 70:8077
-8087, 2010]
down-regulated in glioblastoma relative to anaplastic astrocytoma.
[Clin. Cancer Res. 16:4289-4297, 2010]
down-regulated in serous, endometrioid, and clear cell ovarian
carcinoma cells compared with the normal tissue [Cancer Res. 67:
8699-8707, 2007]
Toll-like receptor 2-targeting miR-105 is up-regulated in human
gingival keratinocytes with a diminished production of IL-6 and TNF-
α in response to TLR-2/TLR-4 agonist, Porphyromonas gingivalis  
[J. Biol. Chem. 284:23107-23115, 2009]
down-regulated in human adipocytes relative to preadipocytes.
[Mol. Cell. Biol. 31:626-638, 2011]
specifically expressed in ES cells [Biochem.Biophys. Res. Commun.
417:11-16, 2012]
not expressed in 3D5, Jurkat, K562, CMK, HL-60 and U937
leukemia cell lines [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 349:59-68,
up-regulated in HEK-293T and HeLa cells to suppress FXR1P, and
hairpin inhibitors against miR- 367 increases FXR1P expression.
[RNA 16:1530-1539, 2010]
copy number loss in ovarian cancer, breast cancer and melanoma
[Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103:9136-9141, 2006]
down-regulated in glioblastoma relative to anaplastic astrocytoma.
The human miR-367 is a potential stemness regulator in ES cells,
reprogram tumor cells into an ES cell-like state, and could be
involved in malignant transformation of gliomas. [Clin. Cancer Res.
16:4289-4297, 2010]
up-regulated in the malignant germ cell tumors including yolk sac
tumor and seminoma/embryonal carcinoma [Cancer Res. 70:2911-
2923, 2010]
up-regulated in failing heart tissue [Circulation. 116:258-267, 2007]
up-regulated in human ES, neural precursor and glioma cells
[Neuro-Oncol. 12:422-433, 2010]
highly expressed in 2102Ep and NTERA-2 human embryonal
carcinoma cells and BG01V, HuES-9, -20, -21 and -22 human ES
cells [Stem Cells 25:437-446, 2007]
highly expressed in human ES cells with a lower expression level in
EB cells and adult brain tissue. [Stem Cells Dev. 16:1003-1016,
Disease-based microme is also presented at The human microRNA disease database (HMDD).

Tissue/organ expression of scgf-targeting miRNA
hsa-miR-151-3p Hepatocell-carcinoma-Huh7-HCV
rno-miR-382 Striatum-adult
hsa-miR-615-3p Breast-adenocarcinoma-MCF7
rno-miR-96 hyroid-FRTL5
hsa-miR-328 Spleen
rno-miR-488 Striatum-embryo
hsa-miR-210 T-cell-CD4-A301

Renal carcinoma-DH1-diff-6d
hsa-miR-302a Seminoma-2073
Ewing Sarcoma-A673
hsa-miR-149 Seminoma-2073-NE1
hsa-miR-105 Neurobl-SHSY5Y-RA
Breast-duct-carcinoma SKBR3
hsa-miR-367 Teratocarcinoma-PA1
                                                                   (data from, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)

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