scgf genome is located on chromosome 19q13.3, and consists of 4 exons, of which most half of 3'-4th exon is occupied with CRD as illustrated.
Flt3 ligand (
17) and IL-11 (
18) genes crucial for hematopoiesis are clustered in the vicinity of the chromosome 19q13.3.

scgf genome. Exons (T-W) are boxed with numbers of nucleotide on the top. Scale bar indicates
nucleotide length.
scgf genome for primates, rodents, cow, dolphin, microbat, squirrel and hedghog similarly has 4 exons except 2 exons for horse and opossum, 3 exons for megabat, kangaroo rat, opossum and platypus, 5 exons for dog, 6 exons for guinea pig and 9 exons for pika. Fugu (puffer fish) (
20) and Medaka
scgf genome have been identified. See the figure and table below for an interspecies phylogenetic
scgf gene tree alignment and accession number with chromosomal location (
Ensembl), respectively. Detailed nucleotide sequence is shown in the
SNPs section.
Orthologous groups of
scgf gene are shown at
eggNOG (evolutionary genealogy of genes: Non-supervised
Orthologous Groups).
Species |
Gene Accession # |
Chromosomal Locus |
Homo sapiens (Human) |
ENSG00000105472 |
Chromosome 19: 55,918,417-55,920,791 |
Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee) |
ENSPTRG00000011350 |
Chromosome 19: 56,395,299-56,397,672 |
Pongo pygmaeus (Orangutan) |
ENSPPYG00000010291 |
Chromosome 19: 52,286,957-52,288,919 |
Macaca mulatta (Macaque) |
ENSMMUG00000002407 |
Chromosome 19: 56,930,734-56,933,102 |
Mus musculus (Mouse) |
ENSMUSG00000004473 |
Chromosome 7: 51,559,642-51,562,256 |
Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
ENSRNOG00000019138 |
Chromosome 1: 94,785,179-94,788,320 |
Bos Taurus (Cow ) |
ENSBTAG00000005576 |
Chromosome 18: 56,736,377-56,738,679 |
Equus caballus (Horse) |
ENSECAG00000019930 |
Chromosome 10: 20,182,281-20,390,716 |
Canis familiaris (Dog) |
ENSCAFG00000002923 |
Chromosome 1: 108,960,215-108,962,111 |
Tursiops truncatus (Dolphin) |
ENSTTRG00000012910 |
Genescaffold GeneScaffold_2226: 57,434-59,362 |
Cavia porcellus (Guinea Pig) |
ENSCPOG00000021138 |
scaffold_70: 7,177,391-7,179,200 |
Dipodomys ordii (Kangaroo rat) |
ENSDORG00000013633 |
scaffold_6954: 22,401-23,877 |
Echinops telfairi (Lesser hedgehog tenrec) |
ENSETEG00000017401 |
Genescaffold GeneScaffold_1750: 3,453-5,074 |
Microcebus murinus (Mouse Lemur) |
ENSMICG00000002262 |
Genescaffold GeneScaffold_952: 6,606-10,539 |
Monodelphis domestica (Opossum) |
ENSMODG00000014111 |
Chromosome Un: 56,044,959-56,046,178 |
Pteropus vampyrus (Megabat) |
ENSPVAG00000014011 |
scaffold_16428: 7,786-8,830 |
Myotis lucifugus (Microbat) |
ENSMLUG00000008693 |
Genescaffold GeneScaffold_1183: 3,152-6,532 |
Ochotona princeps (Pika) |
ENSOPRG00000007341 |
scaffold_24944: 23-1,608 |
Spermophilus tridecemlineatus (Squirrel) |
ENSSTOG00000006289 |
scaffold_753: 46,403-48,163 |
Ornithorhynchus anatinus (Platypus) |
ENSOANG00000003921 |
SuperContig Contig16572: 2,351-2,800 |
Xenopus tropicalis (X.tropicalis) |
ENSXETG00000017637 |
scaffold_382: 657,534-884,105 |
Oryzias latipes (Medaka) |
ENSORLG00000017603 |
Chromosome 24: 17,817,779-17,823,691 |
Takifugu rubripes (Fugu) |
ENSTRUG00000004026 |
scaffold_483: 36,003-37,343 |
Tetraodon nigroviridis (Tetraodon) |
ENSTNIG00000019155 |
Chromosome 14: 1,562,782-1,564,210 |